Periods are nothing to hide - Stop period shaming

Menstruation - The subject is so taboo as if it’s a crime to have periods! In my own fairly educated middle class family, women took great pride in following the custom of 5 days’ isolation. There was a separate mattress for the menstruating woman. The woman couldn’t enter the kitchen, couldn’t touch anything, was made to sit separately in a corner for 5 days. What exactly happens inside the head of a teenage girl when we period shame her? Period shaming can create a havoc in the world of a little girl. At the age of menarche (when a girl starts to menstruate), girls not only have to deal with the physical changes in their bodies but also have to manage their studies at school and focus on the academics. As mothers/parents/ relatives, our role is to guide the little girl into womanhood and make her comfortable with the process of menstruation. 'One hundred and thirteen million adolescent girls between the ages of 12-14 in India alone are at risk of dropping out of school b...