Unforgettable Experience of Community Engagement and Education.

I as a female sufferer (factor V) attended my first Global National Member Organization training and World Federation of Hemophilia’s World Congress held in Orlando- USA, which was the combined conferences of NHF and world congress in which largest gathering ever of people with bleeding disorders took place. It was an unforgettable experience of community engagement and education. I got an opportunity to represent India in the Opening plenary session with NHF in Global NMO Training. My topic was Gender Equality in Bleeding Disorders Organizations; it was such a pride in representing this topic as this was a topic which has compelled everyone to think in that context, because the content has the power to influence hearts and minds and I believe this content can be used with regards to improving the quality of life for the international bleeding disorders organization. GNMO training continued for the three days and getting knowledge also continued. It was a great experience to l...